The Energy Finance Italia Association is happy to expand membership.


Click here to fill in the membership form and join us as a member!


An excerpt of our Statute will be presented to you for your knowledge.

If you want to read it all, you can find a copy here.


Among others, you will be asked to send us your email address.

Acceptance decision will be forwarded to this address.


Annual membership paid in a given year is valid until December 31st of the same year.


Once your registration is accepted, pay by wire transfer the amount of Euro 30,00 to:

Energy Finance Italia APS
IBAN code: IT28E0538711280000003308609
BIC (swift code): BPMOIT22XXX
Reason: Energy Finance Italia APS membership for year XXXX.

Don't forget to replace XXXX with the intended membership year.


Membership starts once the transfer is received by the Association.


For more information, write to energyfinanceitalia at, thank you!