If you want to know more about us, keep on reading.
EFI started informally its activity in 2015.
EFI was born in Italy to give expression to a group of academic researchers having the aim of promoting research and education in the energy sector, and of promoting dissemination and practical application of research results.
The research of EFI members is characterized by strong interdisciplinarity across Hard Sciences (Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Material Sciences) and Economics & Finance.
Since from the beginning, the founders of EFI decided to meet annually in a dedicated workshop.
In 2021 the EFI Association was formally estabilished and legally registered.
The EFI Association is now an Italian-born project which involves academic and professional partners from all over the world.
The EFI Association is a member of CASA-Econ, a nation-wide association of Italian Economics Associations.
All members of EFI share the common aim to give valuable contributions in both theoretical and applied areas, by qualified publications on scientific journals, and by collaborating with public and private institutions. Their research areas focus on conventional and renewable energy, sustainability, and the circular economy.
The yearly meeting of the EFI members is represented by the international EFI workshop.
The first international workshop of EFI (EFI1) was organized in 2015 by the University of Camerino, in Camerino (MC).
EFI2 was organized in 2016 by the University of Padova, in Padua.
EFI3 was organized in 2018 by the University of Pescara, in Pescara.
EFI4 was organized in 2019 by the University of Milano Bicocca, in Milan.
EFI5 was organized in 2020 by the University of Roma 3, in Rome.
EFI6 was organized in 2021 by the University of Brescia, in Brescia and online.
EFI7 was organized in 2022 by the Parthenope University of Naples, in Naples and online.
EFI8 was organized in 2023 by the Politecnico di Milano, in Milan.
EFI9 was organized in 2024 by the Bari University in Bari.
For more information, write to energyfinanceitalia at gmail.com, thank you!